Article Submission

Before submitting an article for AdvocatED, please read the following guidelines:

  • No posts inciting hatred or violence on any group of people will be published. 
    • Should an article inciting hatred (i.e racism, homophobia, anti-semitism, ableism, sexism, sexual violence etc) be submitted through our forms, it will be reported to the university. 
  • AdvocatED accepts articles from writers of all abilities, however all articles should aim to be written with clarity, be informative, and use reliable sources when citing facts or statistics.
    • If we feel improvements can be made to ensure the article's point/argument is more easily understood by our readers, we may return the submission with recommendations for editing before it's publication. 
    • These recommendations bare no influence on the content of the text, only of it's grammatical improvements. 
  • The minimum word-count for an article is 500 words, however average article length is typically between 700 and 1000 words. This is an ideal length for maintaining reader's interests. 
    • Articles over 1,500 are by all means welcome, and will be labelled as a "Long read ".
  • Comments will be turned on and monitored for all articles, critiques and conversation is encouraged, but comments involving hate speech or offensive language will not be posted.
  • Please ensure any links in your article (i.e for sources or further reading) are written as their full link and are not shortened or hyperlinked. This is to ensure the links stay functional after it's submission.

Click here for the link to the Google Forms where you can submit an article to be posted on AdvocatED.
